Jumat, 13 Mei 2011


Anjum lived in a small village. Which was being emptied out by a
multinational firm to build a fun park in deep woods. She protested
against it but nothing happened. She even wrote a letter to the
Chief Minister but nothing turned up. The firm did not want someone
going on poking at their backs. So they hired a killer to get rid of
her. Unknown to these turn of events Anjum was returning back from
the city one evening. It had become a bit dark. Her husband would
ask a number of questions for her delay. She increased the speed.
Suddenly she felt that some one is at her back. She turned her head
to see but it was too late. That person raised his hand and every
thing became black. She fell on the road unconscious

Anjum awoke with a start, trying to come to her feet. But she
couldn't she couldn't move to more than a crouch. As her mind came
to this realization, another dawned on her almost simultaneously;
she was naked. Taking stock of her surroundings, she noted that she
was naked, chained hand and foot by shackles to the floor, and there
was a large man watching her.

The tall man watched his prisoner with interest; her shape was very
pleasing to his eyes. As she awoke and started, he relished how her
ample bosom giggled and swayed. Flinging her mass of dark red curls
behind her, she finally took note of him. Again he noted pleasantly
her body and was amused at the look of hatred and defiance that
filled her green eyes. "This one will be fun to break," he thought
to himself.

"Look I was paid to kill you but I had changed my mind seeing such a
sexy body infront me" that person said "I will spare you but you
shall have to quench my thirst"

That man continued to watch anjum for a good long while; waiting to
see if she broke under his menacing stares. Anjum merely stared back
at her captor. Whatever his plans for her, she would not make it
easy for him. She smiled at him, bearing her teeth in a way that was
more animalistic than inviting. That man gave a chuckle.

Anjum knew that whatever lay ahead for her, it would not be easy.
She would be used, abused, and if she was lucky enough to survive,
probably sold into prostitution. But she was a warrior of her people
and she knew how to handle such situation. No matter what they did
to her, she knew her mind would hold out longer than her body. They
could not take everything from her.

"Time to get started," that huge man thought to himself. Aloud he
said, "Well my pretty little bird, do you have a name?" Anjum just
looked at him, silent. The captor hadn't really expected a response,
in fact he was hoping for none at all.

Chuckling again, this time it had a menacing, cruel edge to it.
Captor picked up at leather flogger from a table near by and strode
purposely towards Anjum. Without a word, he raised it over his head
and brought it down against her bare back. Anjum did not give her
captor the pleasure of hearing her scream. He had to make due with a
small grunt from between her clenched teeth.

That person asked Anjum for her name again and again she refused and
again the flogger fell. This was repeated until her back was a
bloody mess of criss-crossed lines. Anjum remained strong and
upright throughout the whole ordeal. Finally That person had had his
pleasure of her back and stopped.

"So my little bird, you are made of something tougher", that man
said amiably. Anjum merely maintained her stance. "Well, little
bird, if you won't sing for me under my flogger, then maybe we
should try another method."

Anjum was actually afraid of what he had in store for her. She had
barely withstood his on-slaught and had no illusions as to the
outcome of another. But that man had something altogether different
in mind. He smiled in anticipation as he undid his breeches and let
them drop to the floor. Anjum couldn't help but gasp at the sight of
his semi-erect cock just inches from her face. That captor stared
with unconcealed appreciation at the ample swell of her buttocks,
the red thatch above her pussy and the way her bosom heaved in her

That was all it took for that fellow's monstrous member to come
fully alive and jump and dance in front of her mouth. Anjum balked
at what she knew was coming next. It wasn't as though she had never
bed a man before but that was by her choice. She would rather die
than let this man, this animal have her.

that person seemed to have read her last thought, "No, no little
birdie, we will have none of that. I have way too many plans for you
yet. You luscious body will be mine and you will beg me to fuck you
before I am done." Without another word, he pinched her nose until
she opened her mouth. As her mouth gasped for breath, he shoved his
cock deep in her throat, causing her to gag.

Not giving her time to adjust, he began to thrust, roughly. Hands
roughly dragging her by her red locks, he pushed her head back and
forth. He loved watching her plump lips stretched around his thick,
heavily veined member. "Fondle my balls," he ordered. When Anjum did
not comply, he pulled out and smacked her across the face, drawing
blood. "I said fondle my BALLS!" That man roared.

Wishing to stay alive to escape and exact revenge, Anjum wearily did
as he ordered. Caressing his large sack, she tickled the underside
all the while using her other hand to make up for what her mouth
could not accommodate. Continuing to furiously pump her face, he
started to fondle her breast and tweak her erect nipples. "Aha! I
think the little bird likes it rough. The body does not lie." That
person sneered. And with that he abruptly pulled out of her mouth
and began pumping his hot seed on her face and breasts.

Anjum knew, as his hot juice dripped on her face, that he was
partially right. Her body had responded to the rough face-fucking
she had received. And her captor knew it as he plumbed his large
fingers into her most intimate of holes.

That man smiled and licked his fingers, patting Anjum on the head
before turning to leave. "Oh my pretty little birdie, we will have
you singing out for my cock before too long. You are a tight juicy
wench." He laughed and closed the door. Anjum hung her head in
shame, knowing he may very well be right and for the first time she
allowed herself to cry.

Anjum sex story

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